Friday, January 28, 2011

Lady‑libertine Online

Terms of Warsaw Second Film Contest for Kindergarten.

II Warsaw Film Contest for Kindergarten
"Picasso, Chopin, and Einstein? Discovering talents in kindergarten, ".

organized under the patronage of Mayor of Central District

I. C element of the event:
first Demonstrate how to develop the nursery and to promote children's talents.
second Zoom to parents offering of Warsaw kindergartens.
third Exchange of experiences in Warsaw kindergartens.
4th Inspire participants to search for new forms promotion of kindergarten.
5th Promoting pre-school education on the web.
II. General:
first The competition is organized Kindergarten No. 11 Honorary patronage over the event took the Central District Mayor Mr Wojciech Bartelski.
second contest will run from February 1, 2011. April 30, 2011, Formal summary of the competition will be held on 12 May 2011 at 10.00 in the Organizer's office.
third The addressees of the competition are a public kindergarten in Warsaw.
III. The contest :
first The contest is to prepare a short Film showing of his own nursery for the development and promotion of talents and skills of children.
second Place it on User embeds, please Preschools may also put your video on your own nursery.
third Preschools participating in the competition prepares only one movie, the organizer who meet certain technical parameters.
third For the contest can be submitted only projects of the nursery, do not violate copyrights of third parties. Choosing background music for the film, be sure to respect the rights of copyright creators.
4th For the film, its authors are required to obtain written parental permission to shoot children and placing their images on the Internet.
5th Until 28 February 2011 to fill an application form for the competition. Charter can be found on the sixth
The technical requirements for the film: the duration from 1 to 3 minutes (the limit is exceeded the maximum duration of a movie about 2 seconds).
7th finished film writers place themselves at and send link to it on adresfilmowe.przedszkola @ before 30 April 2010.
8th videos, links to which will be sent after 30 April 2011 will not be taken into account in assessing competition.
IV. The contest :
first All films will be judged by the jury, the jury will sit a representative of the Department of Education and three representatives of the Downtown
Kindergarten No. 11
second The jury will pay special attention to creativity and the presentation of the topic.
third The founder of the awards is the Mayor of District Downtown.
4th It is expected prizes for I, II and III of prizes and distinctions. All participants will be thanked for their participation in the contest.
5th The contest will be summarized in the form of meetings with the authorities of Central District, which will be invited to the authors best work.
V. Final provisions
first The organizers reserve the right to decide issues not covered by the regulations.
second Video remains the property of the authors who are responsible for their content. Organizers of the contest will summarize only the most reported and the winning films.
third The removal of the film from the Internet to decide only the authors.

Any information concerning the organization of the competition, please contact:
- Gabriel Szymczak email address:
- Maria Konarska email address: @ konarska.maria
and Contest e-mail address: @ filmowe.przedszkola
Kindergarten No. 11ul. St. Dubois 300-184 Warszawa Tel. / fax. 22 831-20-17

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Get Comic Pieces Poptropica

II Warsaw Film Contest for Kindergarten

Soon starts the second edition of the Warsaw Film Contest for Kindergarten Fri: "Picasso, Chopin, and Einstein? Discover talents preschoolers' . This time the theme of the films are artistic skills preschool children. The competition is organized again by the Kindergarten No. 11 You are cordially invited to submit their participation in the Contest.