Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Make A Ipod A Ps3 Headset

22nd April

Christian and Holbrook across Paškulin brick
Our city, Banja Luka, is the world's more famous than many of us think. I am personally convinced that the more times for those of my 15 years here in America about which I wrote something a couple of times. Is not it strange that the name pronounced in Banjaluka celebrations with a university that it has absolutely nothing to do with so many famous cities and places of the world that are usually discussed in festive occasions. In the beginning I was fascinated, even I was showing off, later I became ravodusan that would eventually began to feel uncomfortable. The reason why I initially made an important lay in the fact that the speakers just mentioned my hometown, although we are on the faculty from all over the world: only in the library of the Faculty of Law has us is China, India, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Bosnia .. . My mood has changed in discomfort when I realized that my hometown was not mentioned due to some major achievements in education or something which would have been proud to always mention wrong. Because of that fact did not had reason for pride, but I was, in fact, should be ashamed. A bad imidju hometown or at least I contributed.
city of Banja Luka and the fate of half of its population has found a place in many TV shows including the issue known and respected worldwide reporter and editor Kristiane Amanpur, a person who has many times risked their lives by notifying the war from all areas of the world. Two years ago on CNN in prime time aired two-hour show called "Scream Blody Murder." The show dealt with the greatest crime that occurred in the history of mankind, starting with an article about the fate of Jews during the Second World War. Even in my dreams I could not think that will be it known to occur streets that I walked carefree years, this time in a context that does not use the cast to anyone.

suggest you look at this 10-minute video clip that is in such a short time, demonstrated the essence of what happened with us. Will remind you that many scary moments from the last war, will remember and of your destiny and the destiny of those who survived its horrors, and they will realize that the world knew very well what it is about but did not react. You will recognize that many of the places and events, some of which you may have already forgotten. You will hear how Richard Holbrooke, standing on the sidewalk with the back of the hotel "Bosna", where we often went to girice (I hope you remember "Sokar"), with her eyes turned towards "Paskulinoj brickyard where I parked my car years ago to work the next morning, talking about what he saw with his own eyes: organized the deportation of innocent citizens of Banja Luka by the then government of which many are still in high places today's power structures. Fate

us Banjaluka Richard Holbrooke compared with the fate of Jews in Germany, telling about his grandfather who passed through the same Golgotha \u200b\u200bwhich was experienced by many citizens of Banja Luka. Things are called proper names, without the colorful wrapping paper in today's work.

Part items related to Bosnia Banja Luka you can see here. Video link will be displayed in a new window. To be able to hear about what Christian Amanpur says, you must close the window of a blog as a medium usually has a song.

For those where English is not going by the hand, here are translations of talks between Kristiane Amanput and Richard Holbrooke: A

- Here in the city of Banja Luka, saw the Bosnian Serbs force Muslims to sign statements that give up their property in exchange for lives and put the city in one direction.
H - I have been thinking as I watch the replay in the color black and white scenes from the second svjtskog War when the Jews were under the pressure of weapons surrendered their property and were sent who knows where. "
A - Holdbrukov grandfather left Germany in 1933 when Hitler came to power . Whether and to remind the family of your own? "
H - I do not think you have to be Jewish to SVATIE that what you see is the real crime against humanity.
A - In order to stop crime, Holbrooke was referring to the Americans had to bomb Serbian military positions in Bosnia ...

Why mention it now, on the day of liberation from fascism hometown? On a day when everyone should celebrate and leave the ugly past behind us. Dan, you will be in our city to celebrate this victory only for cheap political ends of individuals who know that it will help the ultimate goal and not because fascism is the 45th day really beaten. Because it was so we would not be where we are and we would not have written about our city in various forums and blogs, but the closest to our present celebrate this as we once did.

In Banja Luka, fascism has never defeated, only changed into different costumes to be less visible. One time some have called brotherhood and unity, because at that time, it was feasible and now things are called proper names for the same reason. The world today knows what it is but it does not do anything as it did not do any of those war years, when a mighty war machine did what it wanted. Politics is, as many popular say, pickup a result of this policy in Bosnia are the bastards that she has given birth to 95: two blentiteta that are not viable and artificially held up all these post-war years. Mother is unable to have their children educated how to position a normal family and fathers not living with children, but far from the situation even more worse.

In Germany, it seems to me that fascism truly defeated 45th (The truth is, with huge human casualties and material damage), unlike what happened with us. I guess it's because our city has not experienced what they have experienced German cities forties, and many Bosnian towns of the nineties, and individuals living in the illusion that everything is allowed. In this they managed to convince the majority that lives in the misconception that they finally realize long-standing dream: to feel one's on her after they had expelled all those who disturb them in that. But live in fantasy. Waking up from this dream will be painful, much more painful than to have woken up now, but back in 95th History is full of examples, just need to know.

And at the end of this story about a town that celebrates the day of liberation and who still lives in the occupation and that it is not aware, I welcome all true citizens of Banja Luka where she is a former national Banja Luka in the heart and who remained pure souls and faces, scattered on all four corners of the world. They are the ones who bear the name of his hometown with pride, unlike many that even after all these years still have not realized that their role in bringing down the reputation of a libertarian contributed this decline: either by putting aside the time and now government, any lack of response to evil that is confined to their name.


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