Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jabbawockeez Maske Berlin

Garibeti butum vilayet scucurite up!

Workers of all countries unite!

Today is Labour Day on 1 May.

We experience it in a different environment with different feelings at different places on the earth ball.

Before this crisis, before the war work was a necessary inevitability when you have completed a school or college, when you wanted to osamostališ to have your "Dinar", that you are not on the backs of their parents or want to marry or to marry. Almost all of working age were working in that socialism (which many popljuvaše), worked and enjoyed the work that they have chosen. There is nothing better than to do what Willis, and there is greater pressure to do what you need.

I'm not studying to be a professor, but I have always loved to teach friends, so when I accidentally got a job at school, I worked him with great love. I loved helping students to learn and leave school, especially the poor or the countryside. Also, I helped those who have "fallen on the road" (drugs, etc.)

arrived from Hope
In Croatia, I had the opportunity to work in the profession. I worked on "black" by compatriots "from Srbac in producing herbal drugstore. I enjoyed the work because I'm very interested in it. In addition there is a good company of young people (a lot of Bosnians, but also Zagoraca) where we work with are always fucked. With the May 1 boss the fraction of red carnations and I'd sing: "Drugarska the song resounds, a song that celebrates the work of" The Company would accept and we often sang the old song as proletarian.

Computer I ate a piece of text, so I'll finish. Soon I go in Maksimir, where they will gather on Labor Day from Zagreb beans.

lived 1.maj!


PS - Since we did not send any Enis image with this story, jump in the backyard kiss-and camera take these few tulips that were still left alive. Other deer were put in order.


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