Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kates Playground Bed Strip

Scrap wg.mapki / Template - tutorial

Jobs by Maps / template

The tutorial I used the map
[Obrazek: sc_birthdayfreebie_preview.jpg]

Jobs by maps can be done in two ways: first

Based PSD file maps-that is visible all the layers of which should consist of work.

second Based on the maps JPG file that takes up much less disk space than the PSD file.

So we start from item 1 [/] Uśmiech

1) Open the PSD file with a map and right sides of the layers we see exactly what elements we use, and the precise location of the

[Obrazek: obrazek1-6.jpg]

map is nothing but a scrap sorted according to a predetermined schedule, arrange the elements as in normal and scrapie after we can go ahead in the [b] Credits

Scrap wg.Mapki-author and it's nice if we'll link to the its collection.

I always start from just background, the simplest operation.
choose the background and the right-clique copies and become a layer on the map, the last position backround, so that the right side podświetliła background layer.
And again, right-clique paste> paste as new layer

We can no longer delete the reference or background layer off by clicking its visibility to the eye that did not disturb us. (I always used to kill)

2) Another element Our maps are second background, wavy.

paste another layer, this time with a different background, or the same as the first in a different color, (choice of any additives, of course, depending from which
scrap kit, or with your own items.)

For this purpose, use the wand tool and emphasize the background of wavy

[Obrazek: Obrazek2-5.jpg]

Go back to the second background, so that the layers right side up and podświetliło selection> strive for selection to the layer. [/]
[Obrazek: Obrazek3-5.jpg]
I delete unnecessary background and a layer of paper falowanym.

3) next point is to match photos places for them in their respective crop and przeznaczonych.Po and matching tool to index and promotions

pictures as the background layer by selecting falowanym where we have exactly the same shape as in the photo map .
[Obrazek: obrazek4.jpg]
Here we do not have frames, but in mapkach where the picture we put in a frame, we do exactly match the samo.Wcześniej frame in place for its intended

and match pictures.

4) Text

Using text tool write your own text corresponding to images, set the theme of work or ready WA downloaded from the Internet.
[Obrazek: Obrazek5-3.jpg]
5) Other elements of the leaves, flowers, buttons replace the add-ons such as placing them in wzorze.Ja button replaces the flower.
[Obrazek: Obrazek6-3.jpg]
6) final element to complete Jobs by maps is add shadows to the elements and can save scrap.

That is ready to scrap according to the maps, the truth that you can see similarities 8)
[Obrazek: sc_birthdayfreebie.jpg]

[b] Credits: Work by

ribbon to the rest of my supplements

This guide prepared Corel Paint Shop ProPhoto X , possible to perform well in newer versions of Corel.


[Obrazek: baner-ksm-2anim-1.gif]


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