Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Does Meningitisfeel Like


4th May was the anniversary of the death of Comrade Tito. His death really hit me because I experienced it as najrođenijeg.

Thirty years have passed and people are happy to remember him and mentioned in particular those tough years of crisis. In particular, it is often referred to pensioners and saying: "Oh yes, Tito alive would not be this hard to live and draw near the end of"

In Tito's time we lived carefree. There was no stealing and thievery, getting rich on someone else's account, etc. Yes, it was socialism.
And it was good to most people. However, some did not like him during the war it was ugly, cursed and blamed for everything they are ugly happened.

Soon 25th May, Tito's birthday, when he will be in Kumrovec gather many people who Tito in the heart and adore him. I hope that life will be long enough for me to realize the desire to go to Kumrovec.
probably will come a better time.

Remembering Tito welcomes you Anka-partisan-Niskana!


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